The Genus Mangonia

by Wilbert Hetterscheid

Since Mangonia is part of the tribe Spathicarpeae we are lucky to have in depth studies by Eduardo Goncalves. His thesis is awaited..... The list below is based on Eduardo's taxonomy of this genus.

Relevant literature on this genus is:

Bogner, J. 1973. Otra especie de Mangonia (Araceae) del Uruguay. Darwiniana 18: 70 - 79.

Bogner, J. & E. Marchesi, 2000. Mangonia tweedieana Schott (Araceae). Aroideana 23: 8 - 18.

Felipponia uruguaya Hicken = M. uruguaya

Felipponiella uruguaya (Hicken) Herter = M. uruguaya

Mangonia tweedieana Schott

Mangonia uruguaya (Hicken) Bogner


Aroideana has 8 articles on Mangonia. Click Here to see them all.



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