Anthurium dressleri Croat

Anthurium dressleri Croat, Aroideana 1(2):54. 1978

Etymology: Named in Honor of Dr. Robert Dressler, a prodigious botanist who lived and worked in Panama for the Smithsonian Institute.

Distribution: Panama, Colon east of the Canal Zone

Sectional Placement: Anth. dressleri is a member of section Cardiolonchium.

Description: Planta terrestris; caudicula erecta, brevis; petiolus pluricostatus, supra laticaniculatus; lamina anguste ovata, acuta vel acuminata, basi cordata, sinu angusto. Inflorescentia erecta; pedunculus pluri costatus; spatha albida, ovata, acuminata basi cordata vel acuta; spadix flavovirens ad luteolus, 3.5-6 cm longus, 6-7 mm latus. Fructus ovatus, purpureus et luteus, ca. 6 cm longus et 5 mm latus.

A more detailed description of this species.

Notes: Anthurium dressleri has one of the more beautiful leaf blades in the genus. The blade is black-green with a velvety surface most similar to Anth. papillilaminum. Anth. dressleri grows as a terrestrial at low altitudes in very low light.
All plants observed in habitat at the type locale were eaten to their veins by leaf cutter ants producing a lacey, skeleton look to the leaf.
Anthurium dressleri has proven to be a difficult species to cultivate in some areas. Cooler climates with greenhouses have better luck with this species. As pointed out in by John Banta, in his article on hybridizing anthurium, Anthurium dressleri as a pure species is almost impossible to cultivate in south Florida, but hybrids using this species have produced some very interesting plants which are much easier to cultivate.

Copyright © 2007 by Neil Carroll. All rights reserved.


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