Journal of the International Aroid Society, Inc.
Volume 39, Number 3 (2016); Pages 27-27
My Adventures in Anthurium Breeding
By William Rotolante    
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Anthurium is the largest genus of Araceae. They vary from the beautiful colored spathes of Calomystrium group noted for their large colorful spathes to the giant bird’s nest Pachyneurium group with their huge elliptical leaves and the Cardiolonchium group with their large velvety, colorful heart-shaped leaves (there are more groups but these are some of the interesting ones with which I have worked). The genus is so far-ranging in looks that it is hard to tell some anthuriums are even related to others in the genus. Anthuriums range from Argentina all the way up to Mexico and Caribbean islands. Because of the different ranges and ecosystems in which they evolved, they have adapted to a lot of different growing conditions. Some like lots of water and some like dryer conditions. Some like lots of light and some like to be in the shade. Some like cooler weather and some like it hot.


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