The Ongoing Saga of Philodendron tortum

by Julius Boos

Philodendron cf. tortum "broad leaflets". Inflorescences. Note the large curved "claw" at the base of the leaf.
Philodendron cf. tortum broad-leaflets. Inflorescences. Note the large curved "claw" at the base of the leaf.
International Aroid Society Logo The Ongoing Saga of the Philodendron tortum Home Page. Philodendron cf. tortum. Entire "leggy" plant in bloom. Note the large curved "claw" at the base of peduncles and recent petiole of broad-leaflet variety. Philodendron cf. tortum. Entire leaf and petiole. Note the posterior divisions of broad leaflets variety.
This page was created by Scott Hyndman for the I.A.S. on February 10, 2002.