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  Re: [Aroid-l] Anthurium Crassinervium
From: robert chumley <chumleyrobert at hotmail.com> on 2011.04.12 at 02:03:41
I certainly hope so=2C Don. I've been growing A. Crassinervium for many years. At one instance=2C in the early nineties=2C I germinated several flats of A. Crassinervium seed that was the result of pollinating several parent plants that were nicely variegated.  =3B About 88% of the seedlings were variegated......about 2% were totally white (and died).....and the remaining 10% were totally green until later(in a one gallon) most reverted to variegation. I was thrilled at the sucess and offered all of the flats to a large nationally known company near Orlando =2CFlorida for a small percentage of future sales. (they refused) =2C so I kept them for many years.The flower was burgudy/white/yellow/green with a burgundy spadix and a striped stem....leaf variegation was splashed with white/green/yellow. I still have a few mature plants=2C so I may do it again.
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