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  [Aroid-l] A desperate need for seeds for an important study
From: "Tom Croat" <Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2012.08.30 at 21:16:49

                                                                                                30 August, 2012

Dear Fellow Aroiders:

          My student Claudia Henríquez is working with me at Washington University here in St. Louis and is attempting to understand the evolution of leaf lobing in Anthurium. While she has already discovered that this evolved three times in Anthurium she needs to know a lot more about the process and this requires that she dissect seedlings at their very early stages. Thus she needs a lot of seedlings. I am hoping that some of you might have one of more of the following list of plants in your greenhouse and would be able to send us seeds to be sown for this purpose. Some of these are Mexican species and are reasonably common in cultivation while others are not. I would be very grateful if you have any of these species if you could check for seeds or try to self pollinate the plants to get seed development. You will, of course, be recognized for your contributions. 


Most appreciatively yours,


Tom Croat, Missouri Botanical Garden

Claudia Henriquez, Washington University


Anthurium pedatum

Anthurium tremulum

Anthurium pentaphyllum

Anthurium pedatoradiatum

Anthurium berriozabalense

Anthurium croatia

Anthurium digitatum, Anthurium furcatum, Anthurium podophyllum


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