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  Suran in Australia
From: Paul Tyerman ptyerman at ozemail.com.au> on 2002.04.27 at 04:31:14(8659)
Howdy All,

I've been wandering around the local Asian Grocery Stores (which stock
Indian groceries as well) and all I get is a rather blank look when I ask
about Suran. None have ever heard of it.

Does anyone know if this is sold here in Australia? It just may not be
here at all which is why they haven't heard of it.... or does anyone know
if it has a different name. I would rather like to get Amorph paeonifolius
as I don't have it. I had two little offsets given to me last winter but
they rotted out before they got a chance to grow (I think that sometimes
the littlest ones have the bigger problems, at least in my garden I have
found that).... so I would love to get some more.

Hopefully someone can tell me whether Suran is in Australia, and/or whether
it is sold under other names. Any other interesting Aroids sold in
Australia for food purposes?


Paul Tyerman

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.04.29 at 22:05:13(8674)
Dear Paul,

I wish you luck in your search for 'suran' in Australia, keep us informed as
to if you manage to locate some! My thoughts are that you probably will
NOT find it for sale in Australia, the import laws on all plants are too
strict, and I don`t believe that there is a large population of folk from S.
India or Sri Lanka who are or seem to be the ones our markets in the USA
cater to, I am told that the fresh tubers sometimes seen for sale here are
grown in and imported from Jamaica, lots of other speciality veggies are
also imported from there for sale to the local W.I. and Latin populations.
There are frozen suran and cans of suran for sale here, so perhaps if there
was a demand for suran in Australia these forms would suffice and bypass the
import laws!



From: "Michael Pascall" mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2002.04.30 at 15:17:05(8679)
If 'SURAN' is Amorphophallus paeoniifolius , it is most certainly here in
Australia .I think it was eaten by some local natives . Next door neighbour
cannot grow enough
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