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From: piaba <piabinha at yahoo.com> on 2004.04.23 at 20:31:20(11426)
apologies for the off-topic post. i figure many of
you grow many different plants and may know the answer
to this question.

i'm growing this Chlorophytum, sold to me as Fire
Flash, but i'm told it could be orchidioides. in any
case, the tips turn brown often. any idea why that

From: "Tropical Plant Resource" <Tropicals at SolutionsAnalysis.net> on 2004.04.24 at 12:10:32(11427)

I too grow the chlorophytum 'fire flash' which is in bloom right now. When
receiving full sun, mine did the same; since being moved under natural
canopy and watering when dry, it is doing very well. Same family as the
green "spider lily", same care rules; when in the sun, tips turn brown, no
matter what watering cycle. Hope this helps.


From: Betsy Feuerstein <ecuador at midsouth.rr.com> on 2004.04.24 at 15:55:31(11429)
Fireflash seems to like bright light but not a lot of sun. It actually does
quite well in my greenhouse in fairly low light conditions. The orange color
becomes very pronounced. Full sun or a lot of sun is not its thing.



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