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From: Joe Flaherty joeflaherty at usa.net> on 2005.07.21 at 22:35:19(13211)
I noticed in cactus and succulents that women prefer rounder succulents and
men the bigger more architectural cacti and succulents.


From: a san juan kalim1998 at yahoo.com> on 2005.07.22 at 00:35:30(13215)
"women prefer rounder succulents"

Thus, my reputation as a "babe magnet" - ROTFLOL!

--- Joe Flaherty wrote:

From: Joe Flaherty joeflaherty at usa.net> on 2005.07.22 at 13:16:56(13221)
Maybe when you are talking on a really grand scale men could more easily
muscle palms around.
There are exceptions of course, but I think men probably would be more at ease
about taking up all the room it would take to obsess about the really larger

These are all purely general and sexist opinions of course.


From: Joe Flaherty joeflaherty at usa.net> on 2005.07.22 at 13:28:05(13222)
It IS funny, but I made this observation after helping set up a cactus and
succulent show in San Diego. It was really obvious when you get that many
people showing plants how these things fall almost always along the different
gender catagories.


From: a san juan kalim1998 at yahoo.com> on 2005.07.22 at 17:23:55(13226)
"These are all purely general and sexist opinions of

Why is it sexist to wonder why some things may have a

From: Joe Flaherty joeflaherty at usa.net> on 2005.07.22 at 18:28:07(13227)
I agree with you, it is interesting.

I think that is what makes for the scientific mind or even an enthusiastic
enthusiast. We have a heavy dose of curiosity. That's probably why naturalists
go out in tyhe wild or where man made hybrids come from.


From: Don Martinson llmen at wi.rr.com> on 2005.07.22 at 23:45:05(13228)
Why is it sexist to wonder why some things may have a
tendency to attract women and men differently?

I'm sure Harvard University President Lawrence Summers, must have
wondered the same thing.

Don Martinson

From: a san juan kalim1998 at yahoo.com> on 2005.07.23 at 22:20:33(13231)
Except the guy was saying there are innate differeces between men and women CAPABILITIES, something quite different than wondering about WHY and IF one gender has a tendency to prefer certain things.
AS I mentioned, i belong to many different groupings, and there certainly seems to be a preference difference....glossing over it won't change reality....

From: "Russ" chammer at cfl.rr.com> on 2005.09.14 at 04:02:18(13356)
Never mind, folks, mystery solved. I found 2 labels buried in potting soil
and roots of the Philos in
question from Alberts & Merkel (whether or not they could be mature plants
of 'Painted Lady'). The labels
indicated they were 'Multicolor Hybrids'....proving convincingly to me that
they are indeed McColley hybrids
from the 1960s when he was hybridizing Philos. Jean Merkle and McColley
knew each other in those days,
so it's natural that Jean would still have some of those old hybrids around.
I find this very interesting.

Anyone have conflicting data on 'Multicolor Hybrids?????????? Or can you
add information?

I'm still looking for........

P. X 'mandaianum', with reddish leaves and red stem

P. 'Emerald King' and 'Emerald Duke'

Dieff x bausii

Anyone have for trade or purchase??


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