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  Leaf cuttings of Taccarum spp.?
From: mickpascall at hotmail.com (Michael Pascall) on 2007.11.22 at 22:05:53(16711)
I have a few large plants from seeds distributed by Julius several years ago .
To impatient to wait for them to mature and divide .
Has anyone had success doing these by leaf cuttings ?
Would be nice to share some of these around with other Australian growers .Michael Pascall,
From: ju-bo at msn.com (ju-bo at msn.com) on 2007.11.23 at 22:37:32(16714)
Dear Michael,

I don`t have any info. on if anyone has experimented with making new plants from leaf cuttings in Taccarum like what has been very sucessfully accomplished in the genus Amorphophallus, the details of the process are outlined in a recent Aroideana, but have no reason to believe that it would not work with Taccarum. If you try it, keep us informed!
Do your plants bloom on a regular basis?? My friend Bobby`s adult plants of Taccarum all bloom every year, and we find that hand-pollinating them is very easy and results in a LOT of fruit and seed in late fall.
I hope this helps!
Good Growing.


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