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  Alocasia watsoniana ; old & new
From: Michael Pascall <mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2010.04.26 at 04:54:09(20934)
The lovely large leaf plant that is featured in many old plant books ha
s been 'lumped' together with several other similar looking plants in a gro
up . It has been proved that they are all actually the same species even th
ough the leaf is very different looking . They are named on the flowering p
arts that is why Peter has showed us so many amazing different flowers
for these . The 'new' watsoniana can be a difficult to grow .. mine has die
d down and only a few small ones grown back .
Where the old one has thrived on neglect with a few very mature plants
growing in amongst the weeds where I had emptied a few old pots of media th
at must have contained an odd corm or 2 .

Michael Pascall

From: Michael Pascall <mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2010.04.26 at 04:54:09(20935)
The lovely large leaf plant that is featured in many old plant books , has been 'lumped' together with several other similar looking plants in a group . It has been proved that they are all actually the same species even though the leaf is very different looking . They are named on the flowering parts , that is why Peter has showed us so many amazing different flowers for these . The 'new' watsoniana can be a difficult to grow .. mine has died down and only a few small ones grown back .
Where the old one has thrived on neglect , with a few very mature plants growing in amongst the weeds where I had emptied a few old pots of media that must have contained an odd corm or 2 .

Michael Pascall



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