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  Seed of birds nest type anthuriums
From: "thornton-d1 at sky.com" <thornton-d1 at sky.com> on 2013.05.30 at 19:31:38(22791)
Does anyone know where seed for anthuriums ( particularly birds nest types) is available internationally? I live in the UK, but cannot find a source.





From: "Denis" <denis at skg.com> on 2013.05.31 at 13:45:52(22793)

As much as I enjoy growing birds nest type anthuriums from seed I have not found anyone who sells the species I am looking for as seeds. So if you find someone, let us know. Maybe Alvin Seidel in brazil (they do a lot of philodendron seeds by mail order). How many seeds were you looking for and what varieties?

Denis Rotolante



From: "Tom Croat" <Thomas.Croat at mobot.org> on 2013.06.01 at 05:08:16(22794)
Dear Sir;

I have a very large collection of Anthurium
sect. Pachyneurium and sometimes get seed set. What is your mailing address?

Tom Croat



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