Roy Herold's Arisaema Pages Archive is hosted by the International Aroid Society

Arisaema Related Organizations

The Arisaema Enthusiast Group is an informal group of arisaema fans. Members actively exchange information regarding arisaema culture, sources, nomenclature, etc. through the Arisaema-L mailing list. There is an annual seed exchange with distribution of many rare and otherwise unobtainable species. Much of the information on the Arisaema Page had been provided by the members of this group.

Contact Ray Stilwell for more information.

Join the Aroid-L Mailing List to find out everything you always wanted to know about aroids (but were afraid to ask). Aroid-L is an e-mail based newsgroup that discusses all areas of the Araceae including taxonomy, growing and propagating, and collecting. Aroid-L is composed of a wide range of people from beginners to expert taxonomists in several genera (including arisaemas). Members are from all around the world, so there is always a different discussion going on. The group is monitored to filter out inappropriate posts.
To join Aroid-L, send an e-mail message to:
In the body of the message type SUBSCRIBE AROID-L firstname lastname.

The International Aroid Society covers the entire range of aroids, from the giant tropical amorphophallus to our more sophisticated arisaemas. The benefits of membership include six bimonthly newsletters, discounts on books, and the annual journal Aroideana.

New! Visit the IAS Home Page for the latest and greatest in aroid information.
Membership Rates:
Individual (USA and territories) - $25
International (via air mail) - $30
Libraries (special handling) - $35
Send Payment to:
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