The International Aroid Society, The IAS maintains a web site dedicated to the entire aroid family. A yearly journal, Aroideana, and the annual show and sale at Fairchild Tropical Gardens in Miami, Fl, and library are a few of the benifits to members of this excellent society.

The Anthurium Production Guide, Put on line by the University of Florida, this is basically a guide for commercial growing methods for anthurium making suggenstions for potting materials and treatment of pests and disease etc.

The Philodendron Phreaque Dewey Fisk's site. A simple list of various aroids for sale, includes quite a few interesting species anthuriums.

Glasshouse Works The online catalog and info center for Glasshouse works. This company offers several species and hybrid Anthuriums along with many other rare and hard to find tropicals and succulents. A wonderful selection.

The Atlanta Botanical Garden An excellent botanical garden in the great city of Atlanta, Ga. Their collection includes many species of Anthurium, many from Ecuador.

Silver Krome Gardens, Inc., wholesale plant growers. This site worth a visit for the good photos in the Anthurium section. Many other foliage plant photos also.

The Araceae of Ecuador There is very little available information of Anthurium or any other aroid genus in the country of Ecuador. Dick Mansell's Araceae of Ecuador promises to fill that void. There will be a very high number of new species described from Ecuador in the coming years and most of these will be Anthuriums.

Copyright © 2007 by Neil Carroll. All rights reserved.