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  Amorphophallus coaetaneus
From: "Russell Coker" <cokerra at bellsouth.net> on 2007.01.05 at 03:32:56(15036)
Thanks Allan and Wilbert.

I think the rot problems I had with these Chen Yi tubers comes from the fact
that they arrived more decapitated than dormant, just like her "tropical"
Arisaemas. Its really tough fighting that rot, I guess I was lucky to save
this one last year. I'm still trying to figure out the right way to handle
the Arisaemas.

My solution was to pot these problem tubers/rhizomes in a course mix of
sifted gravel and pine bark. What are y'all growing yours in? Now that
things seem stable, should I move it to a different mix or just leave it


From: ALLAN TETZLAFF <atetzlaff at rogers.com> on 2007.01.05 at 11:46:59(15038)
I had difficulties with mine as well. From the literature, that is common with some species when in dormancy. How I got mine through was that I put them in ziplock bags with farily tightly packed damp shagnum moss (after cleaning off all previous traces of rot). Sphagnum moss, when fresh, is used in orchid cultivation because of it's antimicrobial properties, among other things. At any rate this worked well (and has saved a number of other types as well). Once it started growing, starting out a new growing tip and roots, I planted it in a customary mix, watering a bit gingerly at first. The plants are now doing quite well and there have been no further issues of rot. I would caution about continued use of bark. That is used for orchids as well, but is generally allowed to dry quite thoroughly between waterings for orchids... which you cannot do. There is a white mold that commonly finds it's way into pine bark and I
From: "Russell Coker" <cokerra at bellsouth.net> on 2010.06.27 at 14:48:59(21150)
Something you may find interesting....

Several years ago I bought an "unidentified Arisaema" from Chen Yi that turned out to be Amorphophallus coaetaneus. Somehow I managed to stop the rot and save one of the 2 tubers. I hauled it in and out of a friend's greenhouse until last summer when I decided to plant it (now 2 plants) in the garden and let nature take its course. The first frost did some damage to the foliage and after it died back to the ground I covered them in oak leaves. Then we endured the coldest, wettest winter in recent memory with several nights in a row droppong into the 20's. I was sure they had rotted. Well, the first emerged with a flower, the first I've ever seen. But then nothing. Almost 2 months later I have leaves on both plants and everything seems fine. Hopefully, this coming winter will be back to normal and they can thrive without any extra care.

Is anyone else growing this one outside?

Russell in Mobile, Alabama zn 8b



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