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  Re: [aroid-l] Germinating titanium seeds
From: <r2ot at charter.net> on 2004.06.24 at 20:55:03(11684)
I have an A.Titanum that I bought from Plant Delights over a year ago, and although it is very healthy it seems to be growing a lot slower than many of the A. Titanums other people have talked about on this list.The tuber was about 4 cm across and although it has not gone dormant since I bougt it , it only sends up about two leaves per year, each larger than the previous one.I have noticed that Amorphophallus seeds grow much more vigorously than offsets; could it possibly be the this specimen grows slower because it was grown from tissue culture,or might it be a fault of mine?

any ideas or comments are appreciated, Zach

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