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  [Aroid-l] Stenospermation vs. Spathiphyllum
From: MossyTrail at cs.com on 2004.12.05 at 06:25:02(12459)
I recall Tom Croat saying that Stenospermation are relatively easy to grow, but I have not seen them in horticulture. He attributed this to the fact that they all have the same, plain leaf blades and inflorescences with deciduous spathes. Spathiphyllum also has plain, uninteresting leaf blades. Yet unlike Stenospermation, Spathiphyllum inflorescences are long-lasting. My question is, is this a natural characteristic, or is it caused by a lack of pollination in cultivation? I was thinking that if the inflorescences of Stenospermation could be induced to remain attractive for longer periods, perhaps this could make it desirable for horticulture despite its plain leaves. The "upside-down" inflorescence of Stenospermation is certainly a novelty; the only thing comparable that comes to mind is the arrangement of Anthurim andraeanum.

Jason Hernandez

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