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  [Aroid-l] Aroid ID`s if poss., please.
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2006.08.06 at 11:24:42(14476)
Dear Friends,

If poss., please help me ID two aroids for friends. The first is that BIG
birds-nest Anthurium w/ the bullate leaves close to 8 ft. long, it has very
'crinkled'/bullate leaf surfaces, somewhat like a giant Anthu.
reflexinervium, I THINK at one time it was called A. plowmanii, but is said
to be maybe a selection/sport or maybe even a hybrid? It I think is sold
commercially as 'ruffles' or somesuch?? Denis may know.
The other, a silver-striped leaved Philodendron we discussed a short time
ago, it is sold commercially as 'silver streak' or somesuch, there was a
long discussion on the L a while ago on it.
Thanks in advance for any info. you guys out there may offer.

The Best and Good Growing,


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