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  Re: [Aroid-l] arums + arisaema triphyllum
From: "Peter Boyce" <botanist at malesiana.com> on 2007.05.01 at 22:34:17(15618)
Dear Jani,

It is certainly possible that some of your
Arum do not flower because of cold winters, especially the coastal
Mediterranean species (such as A. dioscoridis, A. creticum,
A. italicum, A. purpureospathum, &c.) which
experience a cool damp winter during which most of their foliage development
occurs following the autumn emergence of leaves.

However, for species from continental climates
(such as A. rupicola, A. korolkowii, &c.) the more
crucial aspect to ensuring flowering is hot summers to 'ripen' the
tuber. In nature these continental species experience a short, warm, wet
spring (wetness enhanced by snow melt), then a long and very hot (40+ C) dry
summer followed by a short, warm, wet autumn during which root development
starts but no aerial shoot emerges. The very deep (often nearly 1 m down) tubers
pass the intense winter in a 'ready to go' state and burst into growth with the
onset of spring, developing foliage, flowering and fruiting in the space of 3
months, with fruit dispersal occurring as the summer heat and drought begins to

In order to copy this you need to give these
species a long, dry summer rest BUT you need to be careful doing this in pots
since in the confines of a pot the tubers can overheat and desiccate. Remember
that in nature the tubers are very deep in the soil and buffered from the
extreme heat of the summer and also never fully dry; they tend to favour
limestone-derived terra-rossa clays that are not only ultra-fertile but also
moisture retentive.

Best wishes


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