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  [Aroid-l] Amorphophallus ebay
From: ironious2 at yahoo.com (E Morano) on 2008.06.03 at 21:26:03(17722)
Im currently in the process of collecting with the purpose of selling amorph's on ebay. Ive been selling a lot of titans and will continue to do so until nobody wants them anymore. I have access to nearly 4000 of them. The fella Im getting them from cant seem to sell any. I think he's running to big of an operation to be able to list each plant bulb individually I honestly dont know. But so far the titans are selling like hotcakes. Oh yeah, I promise never to list a plant as rare. I prefer to let the collectors who really know what's what make that decision. I dont need hype to sell these. Its a nitch market. I just wish I could find a better source for care instructions. Speaking of rare, someone is selling ANTHURIUM WENDLINGERI. I wouldnt mind having that but I read that its a difficult plant.

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