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  Re: [Aroid-l] scale insect
From: Jonathan Ertelt <jonathan.ertelt at vanderbilt.edu> on 2009.09.01 at 19:57:00(19894)
Be aware that if you wipe the scale away with your finger(s) and
don't wash your hands right away, and/or don't follow up that "wiping
away" with an oil, soap, or alcohol product, you might well be
spreading the infestation rather than curtailing it. To see what I
mean by this find a couple of older looking well attached scale
insects, wipe them with your finger and then use a 10x lens and look
at the plant or at your finger tip. What you will see will generally
be dozens of very minute crawlers, the early stage of the scale
insect. I would suggest that rather than using your finger that you
use a q-tip, or some other similar soft-tipped wiping tool which you
have soaked with a soap, alcohol, or oil solution. Even with this
you will likely need a follow-up cleaning in another week to ten days.

I have recently been reading extensive posts about utilizing used
coffee grounds as a top dressing on the soil for cycads, and also to
make a weak coffee "tea" for spraying the foliage on cycads, but I do
not yet have personal experience with this and have not yet tried it
on any other plants, though I fully intend to do so.


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