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  Re: [Aroid-l] Alocasia Amazonica and Alocasia x Amazonica
From: "John Criswick" <criswick at spiceisle.com> on 2009.11.15 at 13:24:51(20280)
Steve, it might beworth investigating the grower whose surname is Andre, who exported Cordylinesfrom Trinidad in the early 20th centuryand possibly late 19th. I believe that the species Anthuriumandreanum was named after him. There is a cordyline cv. named Madame EugenieAndre, who I believe was his wife. I have it in fact. Unfortunately I can’tremember Andre’s first name. Somewhere I have a copy of a magazinepublished by the Trinidad and Tobago Horticultural Society in whichthere is an article on Andre. I seem to think that he also grew anthuriums himselfand this was probably the common pink “West Indian” cv. of A.andreanum, which has almost disappeared now.

So here could be yourmysterious Andre ! Obviously a person’s first name is not usually usedin creating botanical names, so if Andre Michaux was involved, the name wouldbe Alocasia x Amazonica Michaux.

Quite possibly Andrewas Belgian, or if not, French.

If this is the correctAndre, it would bring the whole thing forward by a century. I don’t knowif Andre was still around in the 1930s when Alocasia x amazonica was hybridized.

Julius might be ableto help here, as his brother Hans in Trinidadmight have more information.




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