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  Re: [Aroid-l] Relocation Amorphophallus collection Wageningen
From: brian lee <lbmkjm at yahoo.com> on 2009.12.02 at 17:35:37(20377)
Dear Wilbert,


I am so sorry to hear of your situation, but, it has happened to many gardens and I have personally witnessed such disasters. In your case, it is especially unfortunate since I am assuming this was the greatest Amorphophallus collection in the world; curated by a legendary specialist. I am an advocate of greater cooperation between governments, botanical gardens, expert amateur collectors, etc. so that genetic material is never lost, and also to encourage more public knowledge and enthusiasm for plants( and nature at large). Some gardens and governments take an," us versus them", attitude...but we are all in this together. In the end, it can change with the whim of a director or administration; a stroke of the pen. In this case, you found a good home for the collection, for now. I have seen many great collections broken up or destroyed due to lack of interest or ignorance of a single person with power or the death of an individual. If one knew the great sacrifice in making living collections and maintaining and curating such treasures, we would never allow this to happen. But, it happens all the time. We never learn.

The best of luck to you and your colleagues...and the collections.

Aloha("in the presence of the breath of life")

Leland Miyano



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