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  Re: [Aroid-l] Alocasia 'Black Magic'
From: Ferenc Lengyel <feri.lengyel at gmail.com> on 2010.04.29 at 09:33:33(20978)
I am very sorry for your plant. I have no experience with this Alocasia, but
if I were you, I would put one of the tubercules in a tray filled loosely
with cleaned coconut peat, mist it and put it in a transparent bag with the
top slightly open and mist it regularly to keep it slightlz moist. In this
setup, air movement is provided by the open top of the bag.
The small insects must be fungus gnats. Here in Hungary they are belived to
be a pest for plants in too moist conditions. But I personally think (and
English speaking pages reinforce me) that they eat fungus and rotting roots,
tubers, but not healthy ones. Though their presence indicates that there is
some problem with your plant and adult can spread fungus spores. I think,
you did the right thing. Just my opinion.

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