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  Re: [Aroid-l] Pseudodracontium - RIP?
From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at wp.pl> on 2010.05.04 at 17:53:21(21025)
Dear Wilbert,

I know that taxonomic units are now conventional, everything is based on
but from the classic point of view what will be the position
or Pseudodracontium within the Amorphophallus, a subgenus or a section?

The second thing: the genus Amorphophallus is placed in the tribe
named from a non-existing genus Thomsonia which is currently a part of
Wouldn't it be better to rename the tribe to Amorphophalleae?
I have used the name Amorphophalleae since I started my www.araceum.prv.pl
and it seems to be logical.

Marek Argent

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