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  Re: [Aroid-l] Pseudodracontium - RIP?
From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at wp.pl> on 2010.05.10 at 19:41:07(21050)
Dear Wilbert and everyone interested,

Yes, that's almost everything I wanted to know. Often the priority of the
first described taxon in a group collides with the current taxonomy, but
nothing will stop me before using the name Amorphophalleae (plus Thomsonieae
in brackets) in my website.
I know that its time will come and earlier or later the "codemasters" will
change it officially, just like in other groups of plants Caryophyllaceae
was renamed to Silenaceae, Aquifoliaceae to Ilicaceae, as it is worldwide
agreed that the higher taxa names are created from names of valid genera
(not species) or distinguishing features (as it was in the past -
Compositae, Labiatae, Monocotyledones etc).
I didn't think about such a combination when the first described genus
currently doesn't exist and the higher taxon name comes from it, anyway in
some publications I found the family name Opuntiaceae used for Cactaceae
(Cactus = currently a not existing genus) and this is identically as
Thomsonia published earlier than Amophophallus.

Well, even the science has become a part of art...

"Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Will it make it easier on you now?
You got someone to blame"


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