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  Re: [Aroid-l] Aroideana 33
From: "Derek Burch" <derek at horticulturist.com> on 2010.09.24 at 14:03:25(21508)

Thank you to everyone for
being pleased with Aroideana this time. I can’t let the occasion pass
without beginning my usual cry for help with articles for the next issue. Tom
is wrong in giving a deadline of January 15 for it – that has to be my “absolute”,
and before the New Year is much better since no one wants to write last minute
things over the holidays.

I will certainly help
with writing, and would much prefer it if articles “in the rough”
came directly to me, rather than through either Steve or Tom, much as I value
their support. I will have to work on them eventually, so see no point in
taking up their time with this. They could be writing their own articles
instead !

If we are to have a
strong “gardening” section, I would be happiest if it were several
people’s experience on a single topic, or a coordinated ‘where to
go and what to see’ for a particular region. Any interest there? Room
for volunteers to organise that if anyone is interested.

Again thank you for all
the compliments on the issue – you are all certainly welcome to whatever
I can put into it while I am still ambulatory (that is a minimum of walking
from my keyboard to the bathroom and back at need).

Regards, Derek



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