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  [Aroid-l] Philo pollination and scents
From: Brian Williams <pugturd at windstream.net> on 2011.06.15 at 04:30:05(22107)
I have been attempting a few philodendron crosses and self
pollination's the last few weeks. In the past I have never been able to
produce any really viable pollen on the climbing philodendrons usually
just a orange to red sticky like sap would form out of the spadix. A few
days ago a crawling paddle leaf species Philodendron produce a nice
large flower with actual pollen. I am not sure why it was able to
produce pollen when for years my mature plants have never produced
anything that I have noticed that looks remotely like pollen. I used it
in a few crosses and was able to get what looks to be berries. As for
the scents I have been amazed at the smells the Philodendrons produced
at night. Philodendron cordatum produces a cinnamon nutmeg smell that
completely smelled up an entire 100 foot long greenhouse. Tonight while
out looking at the flowers the Philodendron giganteas were blooming they
produced a pine cinnamon smell. Both flowers were giving off a bit of
heat from the flowers here from around 9:30 to 12:30 I noticed this heat
was given off for a few hours only.
I would like to know if anyone has found the red to orange sap to
actually contain pollen or if it is a sticky substance used to keep
pollen on the bugs that would pollinate the plant? If so any suggestions
on why my plants will not produce pollen? I have heard from friends that
they also do not seem to find any string or dust like pollen on plants
grown in Florida. Excluding the Meconostigma group.

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