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  Re: [Aroid-l] Aroid-L Digest, Vol 118,
From: "S.M. Wellinga" <s.m.wellinga at symphyto.nl> on 2014.10.02 at 20:25:26(23123)
Hi John,

In reply to your question about the temperatures in my greenhouse, the following. They vary, depending on the position relative to the heater and the floor, between 10-16 C (50-60 F) during winter nights, and 16-20 C (60-68 F) during winter days, and 14-20 (57-68 F) during summer nights, and 24-32 C (75-90 F) during summer days, and only very occasionally up to 35C (95 F). Summer extremes, however, never last long in a water rich country like ours (after a couple of days so much ambient humidity has been built up, that more often than not thunderstorms reset the cycle and wash excessive warmth away). It is also my experience that for many higher altitude plants it is not the daily maxima that matter most, but the nocturnal lows, and probably even more so daily excursions in temperature. Although there will no doubt be many exceptions, a short heat wave seems to do less harm than prolonged periods with warm nights, and these never occur in our neck of the woods; nights with temperatures above 20 C are an exception and do not even occur every year.

Anyhow, my growing conditions give me quite some wiggle room to accommodate plants that are either cool-temperate or warm-temperate growers, and like I wrote previously, a higher altitude species like Anthurium cabrerense does well for me (as do the higher altitude orchids that I grow), although growth does slow down during hotter weather. Plants that like even less warmth (such as some of my epiphytic cacti and orchids, that come from altitudes around 2,800 m.), are kept in one of my bedrooms, which has northeast facing windows and during summer days always stays cooler than the outside. The tropical epiphytes I am growing come from altitudes between some 800 and 2,800 m. asl, and I am therefore not afraid to try my hand at growing Anthurium scherzerianum too, especially so since some 40 years ago this species used to be quite a common windowsill plant in our country, which my mother and both my grandmothers kept going for many years. Should therefore any of you reading this be able to point me to a cutting or fresh berries of this species, I would be delighted to hear.

With best regards,

Simon M. Wellinga



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