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  Re: [Aroid-l] What happened to CATE-Araceae site?
From: Anna Haigh <aroidhaigh at gmail.com> on 2020.02.06 at 11:42:34(24316)
Dear Sid and all,

This site has recently gone down, and we are just looking into what the problem is. In the meantime, you can access it here: http://araceae-e--monocot-org.scratchpads.eu/

Unfortunately the eMonocot site which held the keys went a few years ago, some of the data from that site (minus the keys and some other stuff) is now on http://powo.science.kew.org/

But the site you first mention has a much richer data and we hope to keep it going in some form.

I hope this helps, and it is always good to hear that it is still used. It helps the case to keep it going, so many thanks!

All the best,




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