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  Re: Fw: buying amorphophallus
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 2001.02.04 at 17:38:00(5914)
-----Original Message-----From:
R2OT@aol.com To: Multiple
recipients of list AROID-L Date:
Sunday, February 04, 2001 10:48 AMSubject: Re: Fw: buying
amorphophallus Dear Zack,
fantastic! I felt sure that the length of your warmer 'growing
season' up North would not allow the species such as A. titanum and even the
commoner A. paeon. the length of warm weather/time and light that they are
said to need for good tuber formation, but if you have been growing them for
a number of g seasons, GREAT! I was going to suggest A 'konjac',
as I know that this species does very well further
Welcome to the club, Zack, and the
best of luck!
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