Join the IAS!
(Or just renew your membership...)


Membership in the International Aroid Society includes:

The Journal Aroideana -
now online only

Published in March, August and November

Quarterly Newsletters -
now online only

Published in late March, June, August and December
Plus online access to:
  • Newsletter back issues
  • Online membership directory
  • Botanical Prints
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Aglaonema Growers Notebook
  • ... and much more

    Click Here for a preview of what's available online!
The IAS is a nonprofit organization which supports aroid education, research and horticulture through publications, awards, events, and the website

Join Online via PayPal and Follow the link back to the IAS Website after you check out for immediate access to the members area. If it doesn't work for you, contact .

Join Online via PayPal by clicking the links below. Note, if you do not already have a PayPal account the links below will allow you to easily create an account and link that new PayPal account to a bank account or credit card.
Note, beginning in 2023, all publications will be produced in digital format alone. Consequently, membership fees are lower and areunified for all individual members.
Updated in August 2022
Membership Category Cost Join
(New Members)
(Current Members)
Educational Institutions/Libraries (special handling) $25.00

* Subscription will set up automatic yearly payments from your paypal account. Please be aware that if you choose this option while in arrears for the current year, you may still receive renewal reminders in future years as the payment is applied only on the anniversary of your subscription.


If you apply for a new membership late in the year, you will receive access to newsletter and Aroideana back issues online, but no printed newsletter back issues. If you apply after late September, you will receive Membership through the NEXT YEAR, not the current year.

Send postal membership applications to:

International Aroid Society
Lester Kallus, Treasurer
2 Ingrid Road
Setuaket, NY 11733

or Click Here for an application form

Thank you for joining or renewing your membership to the International Aroid Society!