Anthurium pendens Croat, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 14:153. 1986.
Etymology: In reference to the plants pendant strap shaped leaves.
Distribution: Panama: Darien, Colon, and Panama Provinces.
Sectional Placement: Anth. pendens is a member of section Porphyrochitonium
Description: Planta pendens, epiphytica; cataphyllum persistens fibrosum, reticulum, grossum; petiolus teres, 8-22 cm longus; lamina coriacea, anguste linearis-oblanceolata, basi acuta, utrinque sparism et inconspicuo glanduloso-punctata; inflorescentia effusa aut pendula; pedunculus teres, 4.5-15 cm longus, spatha membranacea, viridulus-alba, oblonga ad oblongo-lanceolata, 7-7.5 cm longa, 1.5-2.5 cm lata; spadix roseus viridescens brunneus, 12-18 cm longus; baccae aurantiacae, depresso-globosae, 5 mm longae.
The type description of this species is in Croat's A Revision of the Genus Anthurium of Mexico and Central America (part II Panama).
Notes: Anthurium pendens is one of the 'pendant' Anthuriums that has its apex growing straight down towards the earth. Even if planted upright, in cultivation the plant will grow over the edge of the container and then straight down, the long thin leaves dangling towards the floor. In one of its known habitats, along the Rio Guanche, this species seems to like large trees of a particular species (see photo A. pendens is visible about 2/3 the way up the trunk on the right side) and is most often found attached to the bare trunk with its totally exposed roots spreading out flush against the bark in a generally horizontal direction. The leaves, looking like green neckties, lay flat against the trunk.
Closely related to Anth. wendlingeri.
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