Aroideana Volume 18
Volume 18 from 1995 contains 13 articles in a single issue.

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Author Title
Amy DonovanFrom the editor
Shri Niwas Singh and Madhav GadgilEcology of Amorphophallus species in Uttara Kannada District of the Karnataka State, India: Implications for conservation
Jim DonovanPhotograph: Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don var. 'New Guinea Gold' growing at the editor's home.
Scott ZonaAnthurium gymnopus in Cuba
David LeedyI hate the ates
Rick CirinoAroids in Columbia
Thomas B. Croat and Li HengVI International Aroid Conference in Kunming
Dorothy C. BayThermogenesis in aroids
Jim DonovanPhotograph: Anthurium veitchiiMasters growing in Joseph Fondeur's Tropical Paradise Nursery in Davie, Florida.
K. S. Patil and G. B. DixitCytological studies in Araceae Part 1
 AnonymousDan Nicolson advises us of this news release
Thomas B. Croat and Jimena Rodriguez de SalvadorContributions to the Araceae Flora in northwestern Pichincha Province, Ecuador Part 1: Anthurium of Endesa Reserve