Aroideana Volume 31
Volume 31 from 2008 contains 20 articles in a single issue.

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Author Title
J. BognerThe Chromosome Numbers of the Aroid Genera: An Additional Note
S. LucasImproving Your Plant Photography: The Basics, and Beyond
A. Haigh, J. Bogner, P.C. Boyce, T.B. Croat and et. al.A New Website for Araceae Taxonomy on
C. CotterellPropagation of Amorphophallus titanum by Leaf Petiole Cuttings
T.V. Price, Kila Poka and Gamoga BogareiObservations on the LIberation, Disperal and Germination of Taro Seed 9 Colocasia esculenta ) under Natural Conditions in Papua New Guinea
M. Nedunchezhiyan and R.S. MisraAmorphophallus Tubers Invaded by Cynodon dactylon
M. Sankaran, N.P. Singh, M. Nedunchezhiyan, B. Santhosh and Chander DattAmorphophallus muelleri Blume ( Araceae ): An Edible Species of Elephant Foot Yam in Tribal Areas of Tripura
G. GusmanNOTE on "A Distinct New Population of Arisaema smitinandii S.Y. Hu ( Araceae ) from China"
P.M. ResslarThe Inflorescence of Caladium humboldtii Schott
L. GarnerNew Hybrid Alocasias for the 21st Century
J. BognerThe Genus Bognera Mayo and Nicolson ( Araceae )
J.O. BoosAdditional Notes on Philodendron xanadu ( Araceae )
M. Gibernau and J AlbreSize Variations of FLowering Characters in Arum italicum ( Araceae )
Jian-Tao Yin and Guy GusmanFirst Report of Arisaema ramulosum Alderw. In China ( Araceae )
A. Kvacek and J. BognerTwenty-Million-Year-Old Fruits and Seeds of Pistia ( Araceae ) from Central Europe
E.G. Goncalves and J. Barros de CarvalhoPhilodendron lupinum - A New Species of Araceae from Northwestern Brazil
T.B. Croat, L. Brossart and C.V. KostelacA Revision of the 3-Segmented Species of Anthurium Sect. Dactylophyllium ( Araceae )
T.B. Croat, X. Delannay and C.V. KostelacNew Species of Araceae from the Ecuadorian Amazonia
T.B. Croat, D. Wolfersberger and C.V. KostelacNew Species of Araceae from Western Ecuador
J. Bogner and E. MarchesiMangonia uruguaya ( Hicken ) Bogner ( Araceae ) Recollected