| Title
Marcel Lecoufle | Propogation [sic] of caladiums, alocasias and similar genera
John Banta | Strategies on the breeding of anthuriums
Dr. Thomas B. Croat | A study of Old World aroids
Anonymous | A series of illustrations from Sodiro, Anturios, Ecuatorianos
J. C. Arends and F.M. van der Laan | Somatic chromosome numbers in Anubias Schott
Michael H. Grayum | The aroid flora of Finca La Selva, Costa Rica: A lowland wet forest locality
Anonymous | A series of illustrations from Sodiro, Anturios, Ecuatorianos
Anonymous | Erratum
Anonymous | News and notes
Thomas B. Croat | Aroid collecting in western South America
Bette Waterbury | A message from the president of the society
Dan H. Nicolson | Translation of Engler's classification of Araceae with updating
B. Frank Brown | The search for the natural habitat of the pink petioled Aglaonema
Anonymous | A series of illustrations from Schott's Icones
Anonymous | Photograph: Philodendron sp.
Anonymous | Photograph: Anthurium willdenovii
Robert R. White | Panama west
H. Kamemoto and R. D. Sheffer | Anthurium wendlingeri x Anthurium scherzerianum
Anonymous | Illustration of Humalomena [sic] wallisii from Ill. Hort.
Anonymous | Illustration of Anthurium bakeri from Rev. Hort., III
R. J. Henny | Dieffenbachia breeding: Presence of fertility and sterility in parents and their hybrids
R. J. Henny | Dieffenbachia breeding: Transmission of foliar variegation to hybrids
David Burnett | The problems of names for Araceae: A proposal for hybrid and cultivars
Joe Wright | Queries
Jim Georgusis | Propagation of alocasias
R. J. Henny | Breeding guidelines in the genus Aglaonema