Aroideana Volume 8

Volume 8 from 1985 contains 32 articles in 4 Issues.

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Author Title
Thomas J. DelendickAroids at Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Thomas B. CroatAroid workshop at Harvard Forest
J. Bogner, S. J. Mayo and M. SivadasanNew species and changing concepts in Amorphophallus
John BantaNotice
David PrudhommeThe fifth annual aroid show and sale
Thomas B. CroatNew book on African Araceae
Marion EasterbookFirst Australian show and sale
D. PrudhommePhotograph: Phlodendron [sic] corcovadense
 AnonymousPhoto contest
Josef Bogner and Mark D. MofflerAdditional notes on Homalomena speariae Bogner et Moffler
Josef BognerJasarum steyermarkii Bunting, an aquatic aroid from Guyana highland
J. BognerA new Chlorospatha species from Columbia
John BantaPlant collectors and breeding
Alan HerndonNaturalized aroids
Roger HammondMy experience with arisaemas
J. BognerPhotograph: Homalomena wallisii (Mast.) Regel
Thomas B. CroatNew books on Cryptocoryne
Thomas B. CroatAroid profile no. 10. Taccarum weddellianum
Dorothy E. Shaw, A. Hiller and Katherine A. HillerAlocasia macrorrhiza and birds in Australia
L. P. Nyman and Joseph ArdittiGermination of taro seeds
Thomas B. CroatA new collection of the rare Alloschemone occidentalis (Poepp.) Engl. & Krause
J. BognerOne new name and five new combinations in Araceae
J. BognerThe seeds of Chlorospatha logipoda (K. Krause) Madison
W. S. PeckoverSeed dispersal of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius by birds of paradise in Papua New Guinea
J. BognerPhotograph: Furtadoa sumatrensis....
Mark D. MofflerEditorial
Thomas B. CroatPhotograph: Anthurium sp.
Deni BownAlien aroids in an English woodland
J. BognerA new Xanthosoma species from Par?, Brazil
Thomas B. CroatThe Anthurium bredemeyeri complex (Araceae) of Venezuela and Columbia
Prof. Dr. W. BarthlottPhotograph: Hapaline brownii Hook. f. (Burtt 177)....