| Title
Thomas J. Delendick | Aroids at Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Thomas B. Croat | Aroid workshop at Harvard Forest
J. Bogner, S. J. Mayo and M. Sivadasan | New species and changing concepts in Amorphophallus
John Banta | Notice
David Prudhomme | The fifth annual aroid show and sale
Thomas B. Croat | New book on African Araceae
Marion Easterbook | First Australian show and sale
D. Prudhomme | Photograph: Phlodendron [sic] corcovadense
Anonymous | Photo contest
Josef Bogner and Mark D. Moffler | Additional notes on Homalomena speariae Bogner et Moffler
Josef Bogner | Jasarum steyermarkii Bunting, an aquatic aroid from Guyana highland
J. Bogner | A new Chlorospatha species from Columbia
John Banta | Plant collectors and breeding
Alan Herndon | Naturalized aroids
Roger Hammond | My experience with arisaemas
J. Bogner | Photograph: Homalomena wallisii (Mast.) Regel
Anonymous | Errata
Thomas B. Croat | New books on Cryptocoryne
Thomas B. Croat | Aroid profile no. 10. Taccarum weddellianum
Dorothy E. Shaw, A. Hiller and Katherine A. Hiller | Alocasia macrorrhiza and birds in Australia
L. P. Nyman and Joseph Arditti | Germination of taro seeds
Thomas B. Croat | A new collection of the rare Alloschemone occidentalis (Poepp.) Engl. & Krause
J. Bogner | One new name and five new combinations in Araceae
J. Bogner | The seeds of Chlorospatha logipoda (K. Krause) Madison
W. S. Peckover | Seed dispersal of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius by birds of paradise in Papua New Guinea
J. Bogner | Photograph: Furtadoa sumatrensis....
Mark D. Moffler | Editorial
Thomas B. Croat | Photograph: Anthurium sp.
Deni Bown | Alien aroids in an English woodland
J. Bogner | A new Xanthosoma species from Par?, Brazil
Thomas B. Croat | The Anthurium bredemeyeri complex (Araceae) of Venezuela and Columbia
Prof. Dr. W. Barthlott | Photograph: Hapaline brownii Hook. f. (Burtt 177)....