Your search for articles by authors with the surname Ruckert has found 3 articles.

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Greg Ruckert What's a Gardener to Do? Some of the Questions that Lie behind Writing a plant Label
This article available FREE to IAS Members with a PERSONAL login. LOGIN, REGISTER or JOIN
 ABSTRACT: To the amateur plantsman it is important that the name on a tag in a pot, is the correct name for that plant. It can be devastating (or sometimes exciting), when a plant flowers, to find that it is not what was expected. When we make a label for a plant we generally record the genus, species and if necessary the subspecies, variety or form. Rarely do we investigate the original correctness of the name, we accept that the source from whom the plant was obtained knew what they were doing.
Greg Ruckert Aroids in cyberspace
This article available FREE to IAS Members with a PERSONAL login. LOGIN, REGISTER or JOIN
 ABSTRACT: Remember the time when you had to struggle to get information about your passion? Hours spent pouring through literature in botanical libraries (even travelling to the other side of the world to do so). If you were lucky you knew someone else passionate about the same plants as yourself, in your own country. You might even have been able to send them a cheque in the post to buy that item you wanted. If you were lucky you found out about the International Aroid Society (IAS), joined, and were able to extend your network of contacts and sources of plant material and literature.
Greg Ruckert IAS and the Conservation of Aroids (Read)
 ABSTRACT: the pre-eminent organisation for people interested in aroids. Its membership comprises professionals with a focus on the study of aroids as well as amateurs who are passionate about them. This presentation sets out why the IAS is so important and suggests possible ways it might take a stronger role in the conservation of Aroids.