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Your search for articles mentioning the genus Lasimorpha has found 3 articles.
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Year |
Vol. (Issue) |
Pages |
Author(s) |
Title |
1987 |
10(2) |
4-16 |
Josef Bogner |
Morphological variation in aroids
| | ABSTRACT: The Araceae or aroid., are a large family of about 2400 species, grouped in 107 genera and these again in nine subfamilies. The aroids are mainly a tropical family and are distributed world-wide. They show great variation in their morphological characters, which will be described in this paper along with some other data.
1988 |
11(3) |
4-55 |
Thomas B. Croat |
Ecology and life forms of Araceae
(Buy Back Issue)
| | ABSTRACT: The most interesting aspect of the family's ecology is the diversity of adaptive life forms. These range from submerged to free-floating, and emergent aquatics to terrestrial plants and to epilithic or epiphytic forms which may be true epiphytes or hemiepiphytic (growing on trees but rooted in soil). Hemiepiphytism is diverse itself, with some species beginning their lives as terrestrial seedlings, then growing skototropically (toward darkness) until they arrive at the nearest suitable tree ( usually a relatively large one which casts a darker shadow) where a physiological change takes place allowing them to grow toward light (Strong & Ray, 1975). They grow as appressed epiphytes on trees or as vines in the canopy. Others begin their lives as true epiphytes, some reconverting to hemiepiphytes by producing long, dangling roots contacting the forest floor below.
1993 |
16 |
37-46 |
Gitte Peterson |
Chromosome numbers of the genera Araceae
| | ABSTRACT: An overview of the chromosome numbers of the genera of Araceae is given.