Boyce, P. C. & S. Y. Wong Studies on Schismatoglottideae (Araceae) of Borneo XVIII: Additional observations on Schottariella mirifica.
Plate 2. Schottariella mirifica P.C.Boyce & S.Y.Wong. A. Young infructescences with the peduncle arching. B. plant with ripe infructescence. Note the peduncle has extended considerably as compared with the immature infructescence (top middle), and is pendent. Note, too, the scoop-shaped persistent spathe. C. Dorsal view of persistent spathe of mature infructescence. Note the strongly oblique, impressed peduncle insertion strongly oblique. D. Ripe infructescence, ventral view; the sunken stigmatic remains are clearly visible. Images: A. © P.C.Boyce.