New Species of Anthurium (Araceae) from Central America
Fig. 3. A-B. Anthurium granulineare Croat. (McPherson 1115A). A. Herbarium type specimen. A. Blade showing abaxial surface, petiole, stem & inflorescence. B. Herbarium specimen (McPherson 10549). B. Blade folded showing adaxial surface, stem, petiole & inflorescence. C. Anthurium guanghuae Croat. (Croat 76636). C. Herbarium type specimen showing blade folded, apex showing adaxial surface, petiole & inflorescence. D. Anthurium haltonii Croat. (Kress 86-1919). D. Herbarium type specimen showing two leaf blades, both showing all or mostly abaxial surfaces; inflorescence with spathe & spadix detached.