Arisaema section Anomala. In this section, all species are evergreen and aseasonal. Petioles and peduncles emerge from a rhizome rooting all over. Roots are present everywhere along the rhizome. Usually the rhizome is internally colourd violet-purple. Its length may vary and, sometimes, very short rhizomes have been confused with tubers, such as in A. balansae. When leaves have been cut off for shipping, petiole and peduncle remains are still present.

  Figure 3. A. victoriae has so short a rhizome that it could easily be confused with a tuber.
Figure 3. A. victoriae has so short a rhizome that it could easily be confused with a tuber.

Images Copyright © 2003 by Guy Gusman.

Please send your comments to Guy Gusman at the address here

Page design by Thomas Mottl and Scott Hyndman for the IAS on February 16, 2003.