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Roy Herold's Arisaema Pages Archive is hosted by the International Aroid Society |
Arisaema Literature
Compiled by G.R. Stilwell, J. McClements, E. Walton, and R. Herold
Posted March 18, 1997
- Barnes, E. 1934. Some Observations on the Genus Arisaema on the Nilgiri Hills, South India, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 37:630-9.
- Bierzychudek, Paulette. 1982. Jack and Jill in the Pulpit, Nat. Hist. 91(3): 22-27.
- Bierzychudek, Paulette. 1981. The demography of Jack-in-the-Pulpit, a forest perennial that changes sex. PhD thesis. Cornell Univ. 145 pages.
- Bown, Deni 1988. Aroids. Timber Press, ISBN 0-88192-092-4.
- Bush, Gene E. 1996. Jack & His Relatives, Arisaema for the Heartland Part 1. Garden Clippin's 6:(4) 1-4.
- Bush, Gene E. 1996. Jack & His Relatives, Arisaema for the Heartland Part 2. Garden Clippin's 6:(5) 1-4.
- Case, Fred 1992. Plants for the Bog Garden, In: Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society 50(2):135-137
- Chambers, Anne, F. Hunt & R. Lilley 1997. Return to the TsangPo: The 1995 Expedition to South-East Tibet Part 1, The Rock Garden XXV:2 #99, 182-193.
- Chambers, Anne, F. Hunt & R. Lilley 1997. Return to the TsangPo: The 1995 Expedition to South-East Tibet Part 2, The Rock Garden XXVI:3 #100, 305-317.
- Chatterjee, D. 1955. Indian and Burmese species of Arisaema.
- Clark, C.B. 18__. Botanic notes from Darjeeling to Tonglo and Sundukphoo. Linnean Journal - Botany 21:384-391.
- Clay, K. 1993. Size-dependent gender change in green dragon (Arisaema dracontium; Araceae). American Journal of Botany 80:769-777.
- Engler, A. 1920. Arisaema. Das Pflanzenreich. pp.149-220
- Foster, H. Lincoln 1983. Arisaema. Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society, 41(1):1-9.
- Franchet, A. R. & Savatier, P.A.L. 1878. Enumeratio Plantarum in Japonia Sponte Crescentium. 2:507.
- Gao, Baochun 1989. Two New Species of A. from Sichuan, Acta Botanica Yunnannica 11(3):308-310. Arisaema omeiense from Omei Mountain and A. daochengense from Daocheng County, Sichuan. (Chinese)
- Gao, Baochun, Editor 1989. Flora Sichuanica, 9:398-408 - plates 125-144 (Chinese)
- George, G. & Stuckey, I. 1989. Jack in the Pulpit, A Rhode Island Native Plant, RI Wild Plant Soc. News Letter, Cult. Notes #4, April 1989.
- Glattstein, Judy 1990. Aroids in the Garden, Aroideana, 10:??, ? - ?.
- Glattstein, Judy 1989. Hardy Aroids in the Garden. Bulletin of the American Rock Garden Society. 47(2):93-100.
- Glattstein, Judy 1989. Arisaemas, Fine Gardening, #7, May/June:60-62..
- Glattstein, Judy 1987. Hardy Aroids in the Garden. Arnoldia, 47(2):27-34
- Grey-Wilson, C. 1992. Aristocratic Arisaema. The Garden __:8-13.
- Grimshaw, J. 1993. Growing Arisaema in England. SHPA Newsletter #7, August 1993.
- Gusman, G. 1997. Some Remarks on Arisaema flavum and its Subspecies. SHPA Newsletter #14: 20-22, Feb.1997.
- Gusman, G. 1997. Japanese Arisaemas (part one). Quart. Bull. of the Alpine Garden Society 65(1): 105-108.
- Gusman, G. 1995. We Had The Gods With Us. SHPA Newsletter #10, Feb. 1995.
- Gusman, G. 1995. Arisaema of the Section Trisecta Group Speciosum. SHPA Newsletter #11, Aug. 1995.
- Gusman, G. 1994. Some Arisaema of the Section Tortuosa - Part 2. SHPA Newsletter #8, Feb. 1994
- Gusman, G. 1994. Sino-Himalayan Arisaema of the Section Arisaema. SHPA Newsletter #9, July 1994
- Gusman, G. 1992. Growing Arisaema in Belgium. SHPA Newsletter #5, July 1992.
- Hammond, R. 1985. My experiences with Arisaema. Aroideana 8:36-41.
- Hara, H. 1971. A revision of the Eastern Himalayan species of the genus Arisaema (Araceae). In H. Hara (ed.), Flora of Eastern Himalayas, Second Report, Univ. Tokyo Press, Tokyo, 321-354.
- Hara, H. 1971. A revision of the Eastern Himalayan species of the genus Arisaema (Araceae). The University Museum The University of Tokyo, Bulletin No. 2. pp 321-354.
- Hara, H. 1965. New or noteworthy flowering plants from Eastern Himalaya(3). Journal of Japanese Botany 40:19-22.
- Hara, H. 1961. New or noteworthy flowering plants from Eastern Himalaya(1). Journal of Japanese Botany 36:75-80.
- Hay, A. et al 1995. Checklist & Botanical Bibliography of the Aroids of Malesia, Australia, and the tropical western Pacific, Blumea Supplement 8, 35-40.
- Hayata, B. 1920. Icones Plantarum Formosanarum, Bureau Prod. Ind. Gov. Formosa, Taihoku (taipei) 9: 146-149.
- Hayata, B. 1916. Icones Plantarum Formosanarum, Bureau Prod. Ind. Gov. Formosa, Taihoku (taipei) 6: 100-101.
- Hayata, B. 1915. Icones Plantarum Formosanarum, Bureau Prod. Ind. Gov. Formosa, Taihoku (taipei) 5: 241-247.
- Henderson, A. Dragon plants and mousetails. _______ __:13-17.
- Hillstrom, J. 1986. Jack-in-the-Pulpit, American Horticulturist, 65(4):20-21.
- Hooker, J.D. 1894. The Flora of British India 6:497- 508.
- Hosokawa, T. 1936. A description of Arisaema taihokense sp. nov. from Taiwan. J. Jap. Bot. 12: 212-215.
- Hotta, M. 1971. Study of the Family Araceae: General Remarks. Jap. J. Bot. 20(4):269-310
- Hotta, M. 1964. On the juvenile plants of the genus Arisaema. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 21:9-16.
- Huang, T.C. 1982. A new Arisaema from Taiwan. Taiwania 27:30-34.
- Huang, T.C. 1972. Pollen Flora of Taiwan. NTU Bot. Dept. Press Taipei.
- Huang, T.C. 1962. Chromosome study of Arisaema of Taiwan. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 69:152-155.
- Huang, T.C. 1960. Notes on te Arisaema of Taiwan. Taiwania 7:93-104.
- Huttleston, Donald C. 1984. The North American Species of Arisaema ....., Aroideana 7(1):, 15-17
- Huttleston, D.C. 1949. The three subspecies of Arisaema triphyllum. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 76:407-413.
- Johnson, K.L. 1983. Rare plants of the eastern deciduous forest VI: jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema atrorubens ). Bull. Manitoba Naturalists' Soc. 6(11): 12.
- Kao, Pao-chung (see Gao, Baochun)
- Keith, Clay 1993. Size Dependence of Gender in A. dracontium.. Am. J. Entomology 7-1-93
- Keuppers, C. 1993. Growing Arisaemas in the USA. SHPA Newsletter #7, August 1993.
- Kitagawa, M. & Ohba, T. 1963. J. Jap. Botany 38:338.
- Kitamura, S. 1941. Expositiones plantarum novarum Orientale-Asiaticarum 6. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10:172-192.
- Ko, S.C., Oh, B.U., Lee, H.S. and Kim, Y.S. 1990. A phylogenetic study of Arisaema by anatomical and palynological characters I. Anatomical characters. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 20:9-35.
- Ko, S.C., Tae, K.H., Kwon, T.O. and Kim, Y.S. 1987. A cytotaxonomic study on some species of Arisaema. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 17:189-205.
- Ko, S.C. and Kim, Y.S. 1985. A taxonomic study on the genus Arisaema in Korea. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 15:67-109.
- Kurosawa, S. 1977. Notes on chromosome numbers of spermatophytes. (1). Jap.J. Bot. 52(8):225-230.
- Kurosawa, S. 1971. Cytological studies on some eastern Himalayan plants and their related species. In: H. Hara (ed.), Flora of Eastern Himalaya. Second Report, 335-364. University of Tokyo Press.
- Kurosawa, S. 1966. Cytological studies on some eastern Himalayan plants. In: H. Hara (ed.), Flora of Eastern Himalaya, 658-670. University of Tokyo Press.
- Lancaster, R. 1989. Travels in China. :411 Antique Collectors Club, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK.
- Larson, K. 1969. Cytology of vascular plants III. A study of Thai Aroids. Dansk Botanisk Arkiv 27:39-59.
- Li, H. 1985. A New Species of the Genus A. Mart.,Bulletin of Botanical Research 5(1):161-163. Arisaema jinshajiangense H. Li. sp. nov. is described from Yongsheng Xian, Shuli, by Jinshajiang river. (Chinese)
- Li, H. and Li, Anming 1983. Some New Taxa of the Genus A. from Hengduan Mountains, Acta Botanica Yunnannica 5(1):69-71. A. xiangchengense from Xiancheng Xian, Si-Qu, Sichuan and A. elephas Buchet f. jishaense from Zhongdian, Xiao-Zhongdian, Yunnan. (Chinese)
- Li, H. 1980. Himalayas - Hengduan Mountains. The centre of distribution and differentaition of the genus Arisaema. Acta Botanica Yunnanica 2:402-416.
- Li, H. 1979.Arisaema. Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae 13(2):116-194.
- Liu, T.S. and T.C. Huang 1978. Arisaema, In H.L.Li et al. (eds.), vol.5 of Flora of Taiwan, 802-806.
- Lovett Doust, L., Lovett Doust, J.N., and Turi, K. 1986. Fecundity and size relationships in jack- in-the-pulpit, Arisaema triphyllum (Araceae). Amer. J. Bot. 73: 489-494.
- Lovett, D. J. & Cavers, P. B. 1982. Resource Allocation and Gender in the Green Dragon, Arisaema dracontium (Araceae), Am. Midland Nat., 108:144-8.
- Maekawa, F. 1934. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 48:48.
- Makino, T. 1932. J. of Japanese Bot. 8:32.
- Makino, T. 1901. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 15:130-132.
- Makino, T. 1892. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 6:47.
- Malik, C. P. 1961a. Chromosome numbers in some Indian Angiosperms: Monocotyledons. Sci. and Culture 27:260-261
- Malik, C. P. 1961b. Chromosome morphology in some species of Arisaema. Phyton 16(1):69-76.
- Martius, K.F.P. von 1831. Arisaema. Flora 14:458-459.
- Mayo, S.J. ____. A survey of the cultivated species of Arisaema. The Plantsman __:193-209.
- Mayo, S.J. and Gilbert, M.G. 1986. A preliminary revsion of Arisaema (Araceae) in tropical Africa and Arabia. Kew Bulletin 41:261-278.
- Mayo, S.J. ____. Some choice cultivated Arisaema. Kew Magazine. VI Part2: 51-67.
- Mayo, S.J. ____. Arisaema filiforme. ___________. __: 348-350.
- Mayo, S.J. ____. Arisaema sikokianum. ___________. __: 109-112.
- Mayo, S.J. ____. Arisaema bottae. ___________. __: 67-68.
- Mayo, S.J. ____. Arisaema exappendiculatum___________. __: 114-116.
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- Mc Beath, R. 1996. Arisaema, Quarterly Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society, 64:2, 185-189.
- McClements, J. 1996. Successful Gardenng Amid Leaf Beds, The Trillium, Piedmont Chapter of NARGS, 6:5 1,3.
- Murata, J. 1995. Taxonomy and identification of tropical Arisaema (Araceae) in China.
- International Symposium of Chinese Drugs (Guilin, China).
- Murata, J. and Kawahara, T. 1994. Allozyme differentiation in Arisaema (Araceae) (1) Sections Clavata and Tortuosa, with special reference to the systematic position of A. negishii. Acta Phytogeogr. Taxon. 42:11-16.
- Murata, J., Kawahara, T. and Darnaedi, D. 1994. Allozyme differentiation in Arisaema (Araceae) (2) Section Fimbriata. Acta Phytogeogr. Taxon. 42:17-20.
- Murata, J. and Kawahara, T. 1994. Allozyme differentiation in Arisaema (Araceae) (3) Arisaema serratum group (sect. Pedatisecta). Acta Phytogeogr. Taxon. 42:99-109.
- Murata, J., Wu, S and Yang, Y. 1994. Arisaema odoratum J. Murata et S.K. Wu (Araceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Journal of Japanese Botany 69:153-156.
- Murata, J. 1991. The systematic position of Arisaema nepenthoides and A. wattii (Araceae). Kew Bulletin 46:119-128.
- Murata, J. 1990. Present status of Arisaema systematics. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 103:371-382.
- Murata, J. 1990. Three subspecies of Arisaema flavum (Forssk.) Schott (Araceae). Journal of Japanese Botany 65:65-73.
- Murata, J. 1990. Developmental patterns of pedate leaves in tribe Areae (Araceae-Aroideae) and their systematic implication. Botanical Magazine, Tokyo 103:229-343.
- Murata, J. 1990. New or noteworthy chromosome records in Arisaema (Araceae) (2). Journal of Japanese Botany 65:225-232.
- Murata, J. 1990. Taxonomic notes on verrucose species of Arisaema (Araceae). Journal of Japanese Botany 65:321-327.
- Murata, J. and Ohno, J. 1989. Arisaema ehimense J. Murata et Ohno (araceae), a new species from Shikoku, Japan, of putative hydrid origin. Journal of Japanese Botany 64:341-351.
- Murata, J. 1987. Diversity of the stem morphology of Arisaema (Araceae). Plant Species Biology 2:57-66.
- Murata, J. 1987. In Memorium: Dr. Hiroshi Hara (1911 - 1986), Aroideana, 10(4):
- Murata, J. 1986. A revision of the Arisaema amurense group (Araceae). Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section III 14:49- 68.
- Murata, J. 1986. Comments on taxonmic characters and the taxonomy of the Japanese Arisaema (Araceae). (2) Length of the peduncle and the number of ovules - with special reference to A. undulatifolium and A. kishidae. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 37:27-41.
- Murata, J. 1985. Arisaema taiwanense J. Murata (Araceae) A new species from Taiwan. Journal of Japanese Botany 60:353-360.
- Murata, J. 1984. An attempt at an infrageneric classification of the genus Arisaema. Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section III 13:431- 482.
- Murata, J. 1983. Arisaema aprile (Araceae), a new species from Hoshu, Japan. Journal of Japanese Botany 58:29-32.
- Murata, J. and Iijima, M. 1983. New or noteworthy chromosome records in Arisaema. Journal of Japanese Botany 58:270-280.
- Murata, J. 1978. A new species of Arisaema (Araceae) from Hoshu, Japan. Journal of Japanese Botany 53:84-86.
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- Noltie, H.J. 1994. Araceae. In: Flora of Bhutan, including a record of plants from Sikkim and Darjeeling, Volume 3, Part 1. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. pp. 121-158.
- Oh, B.U., Ko, S.C., Hong, W.P. and Kim, Y.S. 1990. A phylogenetic study of Arisaema by anatomical and palynological characters I. Anatomical characters. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 20:37-52.
- Ohashi, H, Murata, J. and Takahashi, M. 1983. Pollen morphology of the Japanese Arisaema (Araceae). Sci. Rep. Tohoku University, Fourth Series (Biology) 38:219-251
- Ohashi, H. 1981. Catalog of the Type Specimines Preserved in the Herbarium of the Dept. Botany in the Univ. Museum, U. of Tokyo. Part 1 Araceae. Univ. Museum, U. of Tokyo Material Reports No. 5.
- Ohashi, H. and Murata, J. 1980. Taxonomy of the Japanese Arisaema (Araceae). Journal of the Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Section III 12:281-336.
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- Ohwi, J. 1985. Wild Flowers of Japan :60-63, Heibonsha, Tokyo. (Japanese)
- Patil, K. S. & G. B. Dixit, 1995. Cytological Studies in Araceae Part 1. Aroideana 18:40-45.
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- Peng, Hua and Li, Heng 1995. A New Species of A. Mart (Araceae) in Yunnan, Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 33(1):97-99. A. jingdongense H. Peng et H. Li sp. nov is described from Jingdong, Gaofeng, Yunnan. The species is related to A. erubesens but can be distinguished by the pale yellow unmarked spathe, and golden yellow appendix. (Chinese)
- Richardson, C. & K. Clay 1995. The selective effect of infection by Uromyces ari-triphylli on Arisaema triphyllum. Am. J. of Botany, Supplement 82(6):62.
- Richardson, C. & K. Clay 1995. The evolution and maintenance of sex change in Arisaema triphyllum. Am. J. of Botany, Supplement 82(6):55.
- Roach, M. 1992. Paths to tranquility, House Beautiful, January, 25-27,97.
- Sanders, L.L. and C. J. Burk 1992. A naturally occurring population of putative Arisaema triphylluym subsp. stewardsonii x A dracontium hybrids in Massachusetts. Rhodora 94:340-347.
- Serizawa, S. 1980. Studies on the genus Arisaema in Japan (1) Group of Arisaema undulatifolium. J. Jap. Bot. 55(5):148-157.
- Serizawa, S. 1981. Studies on the genus Arisaema in Japan. (4). Arisaema amurense group and A. longipedunculatum group. Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 32(1-4):22- 30.
- Serizawa, S. 1982. J. Japanese Bot. 57:88.
- Sharma, A. K. & S. Mukhopadhyay. 1965a. Chromosome studies in Typhonium and Arisaema with a view to find out the mode of origin and affinity of the two. Caryologia 30(1):58-66.
- Sharma, A. K. & S. Mukhopadhyay. 1965b. Cytological study on two genera of Araceae and correct assessment of their taxonomic status. Genet. Agrar. 18:603-616.
- Sivadasan, M. 1987. A new species of Arisaema (Araceae) From India With a Note on Variation and Evolution of Staminate Flowers, Aroideana 10(4):18-21.
- Takasu, H. 1987. Life history studies on Arisaema (Araceae). I. Growth and reproductive biology of Arisaema urashima Hara. Plant Species Biology 2:29-56.
- Taylor, J 1988. Arisaema. In: Collecting Garden Plants, Dent and Sons, London. pp. 272-275.
- Thompson, Sue 1996. Unpublished treatment of Arisaema in North America, Carnegie Museum of Natural History
- Treiber, M. 1980, Biosystematics of the Arisaema triphyllum complex, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (copies are available from University Microfilms)
- van Steenis, C.G.G.J. 1948. The genus Arisaema in Java. Bulletin of the Botanic Garden Buitenzorg, Series III 17:447-456.
- Yadav, S.R., Patil, K.S. and Bachulkar, M.P. 1993. Arisaema sahyadricum (araceae), a new species from India. Willdenowia 23:177-179.
- Walton, E.1996. Arisaema - Subtle Beauties for the Woodland, The New Zealand Gardener, March 18-21.
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- Unknown ?. Flora of Taiwan, Aroid Section