By-laws of the International Aroid Society
As Amended 16SEP2020
name of this organization shall be the International Aroid Society.
The Objective
of this Society shall be to study Aroids and to stimulate interest
in these Plants.
1. Membership in this Society shall be open to any person interested
in its objective.
2. Application for member ship shall be accompanied by annual
3. All applications for membership shall be deemed accepted
unless specifically rejected by the Board of Directors.
4. Annual dues shall be payable on the first day of the calendar
5. The amount of the dues shall be set by the Board of Directors,
subject to approval of the majority of the members present at the
annual meeting.
6. Dues shall be delinquent when unpaid for 60 days from the
first day of the calendar year.
7. Upon the recommendation of one member and the approval of
the majority of the Board of Directors honorary membership to the
Society or honorary membership to the Board of Director may be conferred
upon an individual who has rendered notable service to the Society,
or who is making outstanding contributions to the study of the Family
Araceae. An honorary member shall have none of the obligations of
membership in the Society, but shall be entitled to all the privileges.
Such honorary membership shall be continuous unless rescinded by
the Board of Directors.
1. The regular meeting of the Society shall be held at a date,
a time, and a place fixed by the Board of Directors.
2. Special Meetings may be called by the President, by a majority
of the members of the Board of Directors, or upon request of twenty
active members. General membership of the Society must be notified
of such special meetings ten days prior to such a special meeting.
3. Ten percent of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
4. Any regular meeting may be dispensed with by a 2/3 vote of
the Board of Directors and ten days notice to the general membership.
V. Board of Directors
1. The Board of Directors shall consist of 15 members, elected
by the general membership at the annual meeting. The Board shall
consist of 5 members elected for a one-year term; 5 members for
a two-year term; and 5 members for a three-year term. Thereafter
5 members shall be elected annually for a three-year term. After
serving a three-year term on the Board of Directors, a member is
not eligible for re-election to the Board until one year has elapsed.
2. A nominating committee of at least three members shall be
appointed by the Board of Directors in July. It shall be the duty
of this committee to place in nomination by the end of August the
slate of nominees to be offered for election at the annual meeting.
Additional nominations may be made from the floor, providing the
previous consent of the nominee has been obtained.
3. The election shall be by ballot at the annual meeting after
members have been given the opportunity to make additional nominations
from the floor.
4. The Board of Directors shall,
- Elect
their officers from the members of the Board.
- Have
general supervision of the affairs.
- Set
the date, hour, and place of its meetings and those of the Society.
- Formulate
the policies of the Society.
- Elect
from the general membership a replacement for any vacancy which
may occur on the Board.
- Consider
and approve or disapprove all expenditures exceeding $1000.
5. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum.
6. Each member of the Board who is not serving as an officer
of the Society shall serve as a member of not less than one standing
1. The officers of this Society shall be a President, a Vice-President,
a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer.
These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these By-Laws
and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Society.
2. The following officers shall be elected from the members of the Board
of Directors ( Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary ) at the first Board meeting
following the general election at the annual meeting or whenever it can be facilitated by email vote by the call of the majority of the current Board of Directors.
3. The term of office for the officers ( Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary ) shall be for one year or until a successor are elected, and the term of office shall begin immediately upon
their election. No member shall hold more than one office at one
4. The President and Treasurer will become Annual positions elected on a yearly basis on the board. If no nominations are submitted the current incumbent will remain on that post for another yearly term. If the incumbent was elected asa director and that person term has ended He/ She will remain in that position until a successor has been elected.
VII. Duties of Officers
1. The President shall:
- Preside
at all meetings of the Society and of the Board of Directors.
- Appoint
all standing committees and special committees, except the nominating
- Be
an ex-officio member of all committees except the nomination committee.
- Fill
all vacancies on all committees except the nominating committee.
2. The Vice-President shall:
- Preside
in the absence of the President or inability of the President
to perform his duties.
- Perform
such other duties as may be assigned to him by the President or
by the Board of Directors.
- Become
the President for the unexpired part of the term in case of a
vacancy in that office.
3. The Corresponding Secretary shall:
- Attend
to the correspondence of the Society.
- Report
such correspondence to the Board at its regular meetings.
- Send
out all notices where previous notice is required, and all notices
of meetings when notice is necessary.
4. The Recording Secretary shall:
- Record
the minutes of the regular and Board meetings and send copies
of the minutes to the President before the next regular meeting.
- Be
prepared at all times to make such reports as requested by the
5. The Treasurer shall:
- Have
charge of all the Society’s funds.
- Keep
an accurate record of all monies received and expended in books
provided for this purpose.
- Deposit
funds in the name of the Society in a depository approved by the
Board of Directors under the direction of the Board of Directors.
- Present
at each meeting or whenever requested by the Directors, a detailed
account showing the exact financial condition of the Society.
- Furnish
to the Recording Secretary at each meeting of the Board of Directors,
an itemized report of all financial transactions since the previous
meeting of the Board.
- Submit
all records for auditing in time for the auditor’s report
to be presented at the annual meeting in November, and at any
other time required by the Board.
1. There may be the following Standing Committees appointed
by the President:
- Membership
- Program
- Bulletin
- Education
and Identification
- Plant
- Plant
- Librarian
- Publicity
- Special
- Hospitality
- Other
committees as determined by the Board of Directors.
2. Membership Committee shall:
- Maintain
a continuing program to solicit new members.
- Maintain
records of paid members.
- Contact
prospective members and invite them to future meetings.
3. Program Committee shall:
- Arrange
a program for every meeting of the Society as far in advance as
- Provide
whatever equipment is needed by the speaker.
4. Bulletin Committee shall:
- Secure
written material and/or articles for publication in the Bulletin.
- Type,
proofread, and set up for printing material for publication in
the Bulletin.
- Address
and prepare the Bulletin for mailing to the members.
- Mail
the Bulletin far enough in advance to ensure delivery to members
before each monthly meeting.
5. Education and Identification Committee shall:
- Attempt
to identify plants brought to the meetings by members and comment
on them.
- Answer
questions on Aroids and Aroid culture in the Bulletin.
- Organize
field trips, work-shops, and courses on Aroid identification and
6. Plant Raffle Committee shall:
- Encourage
members to bring plants for identification.
- Provide
facilities for display of plants.
- Provide
for raffle, exchange, sale, or auction of plants among members.
Section 7. Plant Introduction Committee shall:
Coordinate the receipt and dissemination of seeds and cuttings
among the members.
Keep records of experiences of growers regarding planting time,
germination date, and types of culture.
Promote the introduction and propagation of new hybrids and the
lesser-known members of the Aroid Family.
8. Library Committee shall:
the circulating library for the convenience of the Society.
a list of books and publications available in the library.
fines from members for over-due and/or damaged books and publications,
and allocate such collections for purchase of new books and publications.
a book is 60 days over-due a notice will be placed in the Bulletin.
9. Publicity Committee shall:
information regarding the Society to all the necessary media.
10. Special Projects Committee shall:
arrangements for shows and special education events.
11. Hospitality Committee shall:
arrangements for refreshments and social functions as necessary.
that the meeting place is in order before and at the close of each
12. Such other committees shall be appointed by the President
as the Society or the Board of Directors shall from time to time
deem necessary to carry on the work of the Society.
IX. Parliamentary Authority
The rules
contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order Revised”
shall govern the proceedings of the Society except in cases, which
are covered by these By-Laws. |