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  Re: [Aroid-l] Off the wall question from a newbie. preserving the
From: hermine <hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 2009.01.17 at 01:58:59
At 12:48 PM 1/16/2009, you wrote:

Beth, since you obviously haveexperience in doing this with epoxy resin, I have to admit it can work.Something bothers me, though.

The inflorescences are stillfresh and full of water/plasma. Once sealed, they can't dry out. Or canthey? Don't the enzymes keep on working, the bacteria keep on eating? Orare the bacteria killed by the epoxy? How long can the inflorescence keepits appearance?

I was thinking that this is like preserving a peach or similar in epoxyor equal. won't the process of decay, some of then aerobic, continue eventho  the thing is utterly airtight (there being no such thing evenif something is encased in a glass bubble.....

So i would imagine that sooner or later this is going to turn some trulyglrubrnghfnfyhghy  shade of brown. i would photo-document the object against the time when it gets NASTY.

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