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  Re: [Aroid-l] Thorns on Aroids
From: <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2009.03.05 at 11:08:22
Dear Beth and Friends=2C

These Silk Cotton trees may be exibiting a condition (whose name I can not recall at this moment!) where some species of tree exude ''something'' which prevents to growth of competing vines=2C etc. =3B Here in Florida nothing will grow under the branches/drip- line OR climb a =3B Norfolk Pine=2C and I believe Australian ''pines'' and even =3B native Floridan pines demonstrate this "ability"!
Perhaps someone ''out there'' has additional information on this one?

Good Growing=2C


From: desinadora@mail2designer.com
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Date: Mon=2C 2 Mar 2009 09:14:50 -0800
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Thorns on Aroids

Leland=2C I wonder if there's a chemical that the Ceiba thorns exude that make it inhospitable to plants - it's not just Aroids that won't grow on them when they've got the thorns=2C they're completely free of competing species. Not even moss or lichen will grow on that bark! It's not particularly delicate or easy-sloughing either=2C just very very smooth over the thorn surface. Here at least=2C the thorns comprise the entire bark surface for the first 100 years or so of the tree's life. After that=2C it becomes a veritable epiphyte condominium=2C although the tree continues to produce some substance that inhibits the growth of strangler figs. I'd be interested to find out=2C but I have no clue how to go about testing for an unknown tree phytotoxin. It's not obvious=2C the way that it is for walnuts - although oddly enough=2C a slightly thorny Anthurium does tend to colonize these with no ill effects=2C even though the walnuts are suppressing all other plant growth in the area. I'm at a loss to explain that one.

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