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Re: [Aroid-l] =?iso-8859-15?q?Flower_or_leaf=3F?=
From: "StroWi at t-online.de" <StroWi at t-online.de> on 2009.06.10 at 09:20:36
congratulationto that nice flower/leaf bud.
Do youknow this publication from the specialists in Bonn? http://botgart.uni-bonn.de/o_samm/docs/sibbaldia5.pdf
Find on page 82 and 84 the typical bud of aleaf and flower, respsctively.
Happygrowing, Bernhard. -----Original Message----- > Date:Tue, 09 Jun 2009 07:09:27 +0200 > Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Floweror leaf? > From: "Weaver, Bill"<bill.weaver@hp.com> > To: "'Discussion ofaroids'" <aroid-l@gizmoworks.com>
> I amstarting to think this is going to be a flower. > It hasprogressed a whole lot in just a few days. > >-----Original Message----- > > Subject: [Aroid-l] FW:Flower or leaf? > > > I have attached twophotos of 'Trudy the Titan' taken about a week > apart. > Trudy bloomed in 2005, rested a year, put out a leaf in 2007 andnow > has a 'bud' coming up. We weighed the corm and it came inat 59.1 > pounds. > > Any ideas, suggestions orbets whether it is a leaf or a bloom? > Bill > > --===============5552100789553678425==
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