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Re: [Aroid-l] Dracunculus growing on clay Z5
From: "J. Agoston" <agoston.janos123 at gmail.com> on 2009.08.04 at 12:21:49
Dear All,
Thank you for your valuable replys!
Yes, I live in Hungary Marek. Thank you for offering seeds James, but unfortunately I don't have the space and time to sow them. I'll try one outside around 30 cm deep. I have had Arum rupicola var. rupicola (I've bought them as Dracunculus years ago, wild dug Turkey) outside, and yet happy and survived the last winter. If it will come up in spring the other will go out too. I think they are infected with a virus, as most Zantedeschias here, we will see.
Bye, Jan Z5a, Hungary --0016e659fbf04f599c04704fee22----===============8106100457103976217==
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