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Re: [Aroid-l] Way off subject!!
From: Susan B <honeybunny442 at yahoo.com> on 2009.09.03 at 18:13:32
The common name is African Hosta
--- On Wed, 9/2/09, Peter Boyce <phymatarum@googlemail.com> wrote:
From: Peter Boyce <phymatarum@googlemail.com> Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Way off subject!! To: "'Discussion of aroids'" <aroid-l@gizmoworks.com> Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 8:35 PM
=0A=0A=0A =0A =0A=0A=0A =0A=0A Drimiopsis maculata =E2=80=93 Hyacinthaceae. =0A=0A =0A=0A Cheers, =0A=0A =0A=0A Pete =0A=0A =0A=0A =0A=0A =0A=0A From:=0Aaroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com] On=0ABehalf Of ExoticRainforest =0ASent: 02 September 2009 23:36 =0ATo: Discussion of aroids =0ASubject: [Aroid-l] Way off subject!! =0A=0A =0A=0A =0A=0A =0A=0A This is way out of the realm of aroids but I=0Ahave a lady asking is this is a Hosta? I don't think so but I know zip=0Aabout hostas other than we have several hundred in the yard. Does anyone=0Arecognize the plant so I can give her some sort of answer? It appears=0Ato be velutinous and I'd guess it was related to the Gesneriad family. =0A =0A =0AThanks! =0A =0A =0ASteve =0Awww.ExoticRainforest.com =0A=0A =0A=0A =0A=0A -----Inline Attachment Follows-----
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