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Re: [Aroid-l] Expert help needed on a soil fungus attacking amorphs
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2009.09.06 at 17:12:00
Ty, try getting some cinnamon from the kitchen and sprinkling it over the entirearea. Cinnamon is a very good fungicide and does not damage to theplant. Christopher Rogers knows a great deal about this so he can bemore specific.
Ty York wrote: I have some sort of white looking fungus ? in my soilattacking one of my konjacs. The leaf drooped over and I inspected andit was rotting off at the soil level. I dug up the bulb and it wasfine, but the white looking fungus was on the babies and they wererotting off. I also has this attack a toad lily plant in anotherlocation and the plant died right away. Does anyone know how to stopthis and what to use. I attached some pics of the konjac baby that wasinfected with the white stuff. I have never seen this before, but Idon't want it to spread. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,Ty |
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